Nov 25, 2008


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Name: Kid Jumps Through Basketball Hoop
Humiliation Score: 8 out of 10
Number Of Nuts Cracked: 12
Score: 9

Here's my question: If this kid was planning on jumping through the basketball hoop, then what? He's still taking the fall from the roof of the garage straight onto the ground. Again, more examples of friends standing around after the nut shot instead of actually helping. I hope there were some girls around to see him do this, ensuring that he will never procreate and have children that grow up to crash their cars into me. Although I think the hoop may have done the job in making sure he never has kids.

Aug 4, 2008

8 Ball Meets 2 Balls

Name: Pool Table Pain
Premeditation: Yup. Looks like this guy lost a bet.
Score: 9.5

This would have had a 10 score, but if you know it's coming, it takes away from the pain a bit. At least, I hope it does. The good news is that this guy isn't going to have kids any time soon, so you won't have to worry about more guys like this running around. Dumbass.

Short But Sweet

Name: Vertical Skateboard Nutshot
Blood: None. Maybe some internally.
Score: 8

Why do I like this video so much? It seems like the kid in it is about 10-12 years old, which are the prime years for those kids to be annoying as hell. If something like this happens at such a young age, before the kid can get a job at Hot Topic and buy more hoodies than Charlie Sheen has mistresses, maybe he can be saved and have a fulfilling life of beating up the very friends he has in this video.

Jun 10, 2008

Power Line Nut Shot

This is the video that starts it all. I saw this one today and it inspired me to put together this blog. Our main focus will be nut shots, but we can expand to other parts of the body too. And we'll break down each instance into different categories.


Skateboarder Has Terribly Painful Landing - Watch more free videos

Name: Power Line Nutshot
Blood: Only on the inside.
Score: 10

Why not start this thing off right with a perfect score? Seriously, this video has everything you would look for in a classic nut shot video:

1. Skater dude getting a shot in the beanbag.
2. Complete reversal of direction upon impact.
3. The random friends slowly coming up (No need to run, fellas!) after it happens and not offering assistance.
4. A slow-mo replay.
5. Force of impact knocks the guy's shoe off!
